Rare Book School Summer 1998

Greer Allen
No. 13: Printing Design and Publication
13-17 July 1998

1) How useful were the pre-course readings?

1: Very useful. If I had it to do over, I might have read the pre-course readings a second time. 2: Totally appropriate. 3: The pre-course readings were useful and applicable throughout the discussions in class. 4: Being quite ignorant in the area covered by the course, I found the material very useful. 5: Very interesting and useful. We often referred to the principles and examples contained in the readings. 6: They set an expectation that was met, although they required a considerable time to read through.

2) Were the course syllabus and other materials distributed in class useful (or will they be so in the future, after you return home)?

1: The notes from the instructor were always relevant at the time of receipt. The examples distributed in class were all well chosen. No doubt all will be reread and reevaluated for their salient points. 2: A wealth of material was distributed and I shall continue to consult it. 3: The materials are excellent and will be of great use in the future, stimulating experimentation - or at least a broader context for decision-making. 4: Yes, and yes. 5: Very appropriate. I will refer to them often. 6: Yes, yes, and yes.

3) Was the intellectual level of the course content appropriate?

1: Yes. I was challenged regarding certain areas, but never felt that the points being made were left unexplained or not appropriately described. 2: Yes. 3: Yes, indeed. It was what it had to be, considering the complexity of the course content. The experience brought by other class members contributed to a challenging intellectual level as well. 4: Yes. 5: It was challenging and quickly paced, but I always felt challenged in a positive way. 6: Yes.

4) If your course had field trips, were they effective?

1: Yes, we did a session on web design. I found it helpful at the end of the week to do so, since we had covered basic design principles for paper. Many principles transfer well to the web, but I would not want to see this course do more than a cursory overview of web design. 2: The web site review was very helpful. Chris Harrison did a great job. 3: Our field trip to consider web page design was very worthwhile. It was my first opportunity to focus on the possibilities of good design for these public faces. 4: N/A. 5: We made only one field trip, but it seemed helpful. 6: N/A.

5) Did the actual course content correspond to its RBS brochure description and Expanded Course Description (ECD)? Did the course in general meet your expectations?

1: Yes. The instructor was highly organized and as the basic points were covered and the interests of the attendees revealed, the course was molded to fit the group. 2: Yes. 3: It did. 4: Yes, although I (mistakenly) assumed that there would be more practical, hands-on instruction. 5: Yes, although I didn't fully appreciate the depth of the course from the description, or the instructor's knowledge and enthusiasm. 6: Yes.

6) What did you like best about the course?

1: The instructor and his realm of experience with concrete examples of points being made. 2: The instructor's expertise and his thoroughly charming manner. Looking at so many designs through his eyes was a true education. His excitement for his subject was infectious! 3: The camaraderie engendered by the instructor and the class made the week a delightful experience. 4: The instructor's obvious enthusiasm and broad experience, shared unstintingly. 5: Hearing the principles of good design explained cogently, and looking at magnificent examples. 6: The give and take between the instructor and students and students with students. GA was especially effective in ensuring that everyone participated, and setting a relaxed atmosphere.

7) How could the course have been improved?

1: The only thing I can think of is to make it longer. But we would all need stamina pills! (The course ended before I was ready for it to!) 2: I can't think of a way. 4: Had there been less time spent listening to (some) student's opinions, there could have been time for a bit more didactic instruction. 5: Let me take those beautiful books home. 6: I would have liked to see a little more discussion concerning Internet design problems and solutions.

8) Please comment on the quality/enjoyability of the various RBS activities in which you took part outside of class, eg Sunday afternoon tour, Sunday night dinner and videos, evening lectures, Bookseller Night, tour of the Alderman digital/electronic centers, printing demonstrations, &c.

1: The outside interaction and offerings were interesting and varied. 2: Bookseller Night should definitely remain a regular part of the routine. Very enjoyable. 3: I very much enjoyed the lectures and the Rotunda exhibit. 4: Delightful, as usual. 5: All the events I participated in were well organized and enjoyable. The RBS attracts some very interesting and sociable students.

9) Any final thoughts? Did you get your money's worth?

1: I have no hesitation about saying that I highly recommend the course and its instructor! 2: Absolutely got my money's worth. The course is extremely useful for any rare book librarian without formal design experience who is involved in publications. 3: Yes, I got my money's worth, and more. Thank you. 4: It's an eye-opener for understanding and appreciating why one finds some publications attractive (aside from actual textual content). 5: This course is a very thorough and inspiring introduction to print design. GA's years of experience and love of craft make him an exceptional instructor. Even those who have worked in design for years would benefit greatly from this course. 6: I would recommend this course to others in my position (certainly) and also in general.

Number of respondents: 6

Leave Tuition Housing Travel
Institution gave me leave
Institution paid tuition
Institution paid housing
Institution paid travel
I took vacation time
I paid tuition myself
I paid for my own housing
I paid for my own travel
N/A: Self-employed, retired, or had time off
N/A: Self-employed, retired, or exchange
N/A: Stayed with friends or lived at home
N/A: Lived nearby

There were six students: one each (17% each) was an archivist/manuscript librarian, a book designer, a coordinator of a Friends group, a gallery owner, a rare book librarian, and a retiree.

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